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Insights for Medical Professionals

Helping patients get healthy sleep pays off.

Physical health and sleep health are closely connected. Not getting enough healthy sleep is associated with increased blood pressure, unhealthy weight gain, Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Mental health and sleep health are also closely connected.

Sleep problems can be both symptoms and risk factors of psychological distress and psychiatric disorders. Chronic sleeplessness has been found to nearly double one’s risk of depression, as well.

You can help your patients get the healthy sleep they need. Start the conversation by asking your patients one simple question, “How is your sleep?” When know about your patients’ sleep problems, you can provide recommendations to help them sleep well or refer them to an accredited sleep center when needed.

Healthy sleep is about quantity and quality.
For most adults, that means 7+ hours each night AND:

Not waking up frequently

Going to bed and waking up at roughly the same time each day

Waking up feeling refreshed

Helpful tips for talking about healthy sleep with patients.

  • Sleep Quiz

    The first step to healthier sleep is understanding it. The Find Your Sleep Remedy quiz can give your patients insight into their sleep and how to improve it.

  • Ask One Question

    Asking just one question, “How is your sleep?” prompts patients to reveal the sleep problems they aren’t talking about and helps you uncover the root cause of other health problems.

  • Healthy Sleep Questionnaire

    You and your patients can learn more about their sleep health using our simple questionnaire.

  • Reduce Their Anxiety

    Let your patients know most sleep problems aren’t as severe as chronic insomnia or sleep apnea, so they’re treatable without medications or CPAP machines.

  • Sleep and Mental Health

    If patients raise mental health concerns, ask about their sleep and any recent changes to their sleep.

  • Lifestyle Changes Can Help

    Improving sleep can be easy. Lifestyle changes like spending more time outdoors or avoiding caffeine late in the day can make a big difference.

  • Bust the Myths

    You play an important role in busting myths related to sleep. For example, many people wrongly assume snoring is a sign of good sleep.

  • At-Home Tests

    Testing for sleep disorders can now be done at home in many cases, and telemedicine frequently can be used to provide convenient sleep care.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    For insomnia symptoms that don’t improve with lifestyle changes, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is often an effective long-term treatment.

  • Sleep Centers

    For patients in need of more support, refer to an AASM-accredited sleep center.

    What are the benefits of getting healthy sleep?

    Healthy sleep lets your body check off its overnight to-do list, which helps you:

    Reap the full benefits of eating well and exercising

    Maximize immunity from vaccines by supporting the body in producing antibodies

    Get sick less often

    Stay at a healthy weight

    Lower risk for serious health problems, like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease

    Stress less

    Improve mental health

    Think more clearly and do better in school and at work

    Make better decisions and avoid injuries and accidents